Saturday, July 25, 2009

Slow Down, Cal!

I came back from a vacation - a week-long vacation, just a week - to find my Google Reader filled to the BRIM with stuff. Of course, Cal helped out a lot. I know, I am blogging WAY to much about Cal... I'm weird. BUT NONETHELESS I had 70 blogs to read from Cal! 70!!!!! I have only posted 73 (now this is the 74th) on this blog, and he had 70!!!!!!!!! LOL Nice job, Cal. Ice Bear approves.


  1. Cal is a great, prolific blogger. Always something good to see or read on his site!

  2. I am sorry for your pain Nicole. But think of how I suffer. Nothing that passes my mind can be kept from making it onto my blog. I just have no unexpressed thoughts in my head. Its a sickness really. Besides you know that half of those blogs are anti-octopus rants and basically repeat themselves because SOME PEOPLE DON'T LEARN. You are on vacation. Ration them because you know you will complain when you run out.

  3. Oh and as much as I much as I pour my love into my blog I get nowhere NEAR the 16 comments YOU get for your writing like last week's Theme Thursday on the Stage.

  4. Thank you, Cal, but you get more than I do. XD I do not suffer, I really do enjoy reading your blog. Am I one of those people that doesn't learn?
