Thursday, October 8, 2009

Theme Thursday - Collection/The Tenth Daughter of Memory - Trapped

Going wandering aimlessly down the halls...
Tall shelves alongside me, books staring down...
Running my fingers along the dusty spines...
Breathing in the musty air...
Dark shadows walk alongside my feet...
My back bent, hunched as I shuffle along...
Turning my crooked neck up to look at my books...
My collection...
Looking at the toolbelt randomly strung on this shelf...
The collection of peculiar tools just sits there...
Stopping here, at this book, this shelf...
This has happened before...
Where am I...
I can't remember anything...
I'm trapped...
A prisoner of my own mind...
Feeling along the walls...
Attempting desperately for anything...
Anything at all, anything to let me out of this prison...
A bat swoops down from the ceiling...
Brushes the top of my nearly-bald skull...
Back to reality...
Looking at the bookshelf again...
Why is this so familiar...
One book at eye level has a strange title...
Adventure, it screams at me...
Touching that book, it feels odd...
Trying to pull it out...
The book won't come out of it's spot...
Looking over to my desk...
A bust sits on the tabletop...
Waddling over to the escritoire...
Suddenly, I remember...
I pull the top of the bust back...
And press the button...
My shelf pulls back, revealing a cavern, black as pitch...
That's why that book felt odd...
Suddenly, I remember...
And I look down the poles that flow into the basement...
My hidden sanctuary, my cave...
And I remember everything...
My memory isn't what it used to be...
But I remember now...
I'm Batman.

(Sorry this has nothing to do with Collections or being Trapped!!!!! Just had a random idea!!!!!)


  1. WOW...sometimes when I read these kind of things that you have written I think you are a short older woman only PRETENDING to be 13. That was incredible. Talk about talent above your 'pay grade'. Only one small problem. You CAN'T be Batman because I am Batman. Bravo Nicole Bravo.

  2. Thank you very much, Cal!
    There is only one small flaw in your compliment.

    I am Batman.

  3. that was awesome! batman is my favorite. and stop arguing over who can be me.

    I am Batman.

  4. Love this! Great way to combine the Collections & Batman themes.

  5. GREAT post! The writing is just wonderful, creative and interesting.


    And you can ALL be Batman. I am Aquaman.

  6. Will the real Batman please stand up! ;0

  7. You had me going along until the ending, when you did that surprise twist. Great take! Happy TT!

  8. Nicole, I love this post - and yes, it fits the theme - You have a book collection.

    Oh, and I am not Batman. I am Cat Woman. Meeow!

  9. Nicole, I liked this. It gave me a chuckle. Geriatric Batman...whooda thunk it...Good job!

  10. Nicole, pretty fun take, theme or no theme intended. Nicely done for both :)

    And just so ya know...I'm the Riddler!

  11. Hmmmm, I guess that leaves me to be Poison Ivy.
    13???? that's amazing and so is your gift.
    Happy TT

  12. I thought I pretty much enjoyed this before I read Cal's saying you were thirteen. I have never measured people by their age, but I must say you beat the hell out of my thirteen year old scribblings — I am duly impressed and foresee a bright future for your writing.

  13. Well, someone has to be Batman! Enjoyed every line!

  14. Funny, I always imagined Batman to be someone who spent a lot of time in his basement with old books and tools in his down-time. You know, with no shirt on. lol.
