Moving towards the Batmobile, against one wall, beside the coffins of two men I had loved, I saw a small pedestal with a gift box on top. Black wrapping paper with yellow ribbons and a vibrant sun-colored bow fixed on top. With a grim grin, I moved to lift the box, but failed. A red cord, curling into a crack in the cave wall, stopped me. I yanked the cord from the wall and skittered away from the coffins of Mr. Wayne and Alfred.
I trudged over to the waterfall on the far side of the cave and slumped against the wall. I pulled the cord through my fingers as I examined the texture, trying to locate one of my repressed memories that was telling me what this familiar object was. With a heavy sigh of failure, not being able to remember the object's name, I yanked on one of the ribbons and watched as all of them slid off the box, landing on the damp floor with numerous, light "thumps".
Eyeing the box with renewed suspicion, trying to determine what the old man could've left me, knowing it must be something either utterly ridiculous or boringly sane, I tugged on the bow taped delicately to the top of the box. Throwing it to the floor beside me, I ran my finger under the tape and one side fell open.
I dropped the box to my lap, and all four sides fell down. The lid balanced on top of the mystery object, then slid off to the side. I shut my eyes, and remained still for several minutes. Slowly, ever so slowly, I opened my eyes and glared down at the object. The Batphone. With a smile, I stood up, kicking the remains of cardboard, wrapping paper, and ribbons into the water below.
As I turned to leave, I heard a scuttling in one of the far reaches of the cave. Sitting, the vivid garnet-colored phone beside me feet, I crept along the wall. When I reached the corner, I leapt around the side, crying "Ahhh!" as I whirled around, looking for the threat. Seeing nothing, I shrugged, and moved back over to the Batphone and bent over to pick it up.
As I reached down, I heard more footsteps behind me. I spun around quickly, but not quick enough. A heavy figure launched it's sharp weapon - a sword, I believe - into my chest, and pushed me. I tumbled backwards down the waterfall, into the sharp rocks below, bleeding profusely.
Everything went black.
(Ta-da! Keep reading these - I love writing them! And here's a picture I stole from Picture Is Unrelated that fits the theme "Telephone", but has nothing to do with the story. Hope you enjoy the picture, and hope you enjoyed the story even more! Happy TT!!)

Love it! Keep writing them, I'll keep reading them! Batman is my fav!
ReplyDeletehappy tt!
I love Batman, especially the recent ones...I also saw that picture on a Google search. Pretty bizarre, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThose sheep phones are kind of disturbing! LOL!
ReplyDeleteSheep, I've seen everything! Happy TT!
ReplyDeleteWHOA! The sheep photo is wild!
ReplyDeleteGreat story!
Love the Batman tie in.
ReplyDeleteOK? The character telling the story was Robin. Who stabbed him? The Joker?
ReplyDeleteThe plot thickens, eh? Great post!
ReplyDeleteWell done, I love the serial so far . . .and will definitely keep reading.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely keep writing pieces like this. Very creative!
ReplyDeleteHah... the Batman fetish continues!
ReplyDeleteSo it's my first time here but I'll be back because now I have to keep reading. Love the Batman tie in. Happy TT!
ReplyDeletesheep phones? where do people come up with this stuff?
ReplyDeleteSheep would be dull conversationalists.
ReplyDeleteI too am enjoying the sequencial nature of your writing during these themes. Amazing that you can still match the tale you are weaving to the random theme topic. Nice work Nicole.
ReplyDeleteRobin. Caught it almost right away. I'll be back!
ReplyDeleteThe batphone and Robin and sheep shearing...a mixed bag of ideas for TT.